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5 Features Your Driving Range Should Include

Golf is becoming more accessible than ever and this is partly down to the emergence of Driving Ranges.

Not only do they offer a completely different practice experience to that of old but they are now fun places to play games with friends.

We live in a society where we want things on demand and sometimes spending 4-5 hours out on a golf course doesn’t fit in with our busy schedules.

Driving ranges offer shorter bursts of golf, at much cheaper prices which is why the number of people using driving ranges continues to rise.

With this increase in demand for driving ranges we expect to see more of them being built in the future.

If you are looking to invest in one here are 5 features you should look to include:

Driving Range 1
2 minute read

Golf is becoming more accessible than ever and this is partly down to the emergence of Driving Ranges.

Not only do they offer a completely different practice experience to that of old but they are now fun places to play games with friends.

We live in a society where we want things on demand and sometimes spending 4-5 hours out on a golf course doesn’t fit in with our busy schedules.

Driving ranges offer shorter bursts of golf, at much cheaper prices which is why the number of people using driving ranges continues to rise.

With this increase in demand for driving ranges we expect to see more of them being built in the future.

If you are looking to invest in one here are 5 features you should look to include:

1. Technology

Technology has changed the way we look at driving ranges and for the better.

Not only does it open your range up to a larger casual market, but it also allows for deeper analysis on a golfers game.

Inrange, Toptracer and TrackMan offer precise data and feedback on every golf shot, giving serious golfers a deep analysis whilst offering a range of games for those simply looking to have some fun.

We think adding technology to your driving range is a must!

2. Covered Area

There is no way to control mother nature and more often than not we just have to go with the flow.

Providing covered areas on your driving range can be good for both hot and wet climates allowing you to be operational in all weather conditions.

Covering your range can be useful to maintain revenue for golf courses within winter months when visitor numbers could be down due to the weather closing golf courses.

Keeping it covered, keeps it going!

3. Lounge Area

Don’t just make your driving range an area to practice, but a social hub for your golf club or local area.

Many golfers don’t just play for the love of golf but for the social aspect and lifestyle.

You should look to include a lounge around your driving range to create an area where people can socialise.

It also gives an opportunity to offer food and drink or even a club shop to provide new revenue streams.

4. Dedicated Coaching Area

We believe in growing the game of golf and driving ranges offer the perfect place to practice and improve.

You should always look to implement dedicated coaching areas on your driving range to give golfers who are serious about improving their game a place to be coached.

5. Lighting

This one might seem obvious but believe us when we say that it isn’t always a forgone conclusion.

Your driving range doesn’t need to close when the sunsets. Adding lighting to your range allows you to keep going in the evenings.

In modern society we need to give people as many leisure opportunities as possible and this also goes for golf.

Giving golfers the chance to play in the evenings allows them to balance their work and home life.

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